Last Updated: 2020-06-10

COMPROMISED: conflation between /e/ and /ɛ/ and between /o/ and /ɔ/, depending on stress; possible conflation between vowels and glides (/j/ and /w/); some ambiguity pertaining to whether a transcription is underlying or the result of a phonological process


Language Family: Indo-European / Italic / Romance / Italo-Western / Gallo-Iberian / Ibero-Romance / East Iberian



Place of Articulation
Manner of Articulation Labial Alveolar Postalveolar Palatal Velar
Stops p b t d k ɡ
Affricates ts dz tʃ dʒ
Fricatives f s z ʃ ʒ
Nasals m n ɲ
Flaps ɾ
Trills r
Approximants l j ʎ w
Note: For phonemes that share a cell, those on the left are voiceless and those on the right are voiced. Both palatal approximants are voiced, but the one on the right is lateral.


Front Central Back
High i u
High-Mid e o
Low-Mid ɛ ɔ
Low a


Grapheme Phoneme Comment
a /a/
à /a/
b /b/
c /k/; /s/ /s/: preceding front vowels
ç /s/
d /d/
e /e/; /ɛ/ /e/: default in the rules
è /ɛ/
é /e/
f /f/
g /ɡ/; /ʒ/ /ɡ/: preceding back vowels; /ʒ/: preceding front vowels
i /i/
í /i/
ï /i/
j /ʒ/
k /k/
l /l/
m /m/
n /n/
o /o/; /ɔ/ /o/: default in the rules
ò /ɔ/
ó /o/
p /p/
q /k/
r /ɾ/; /r/ /r/: word-initially
s /s/
t /t/
u /u/
ú /u/
ü /u/
v /b/
w /w/
x /ʃ/; /ɡz/; /ks/ /ʃ/: word-initially, in onsets following a consonant, and after /i/; /ɡz/: otherwise before stress; /ks/: otherwise after stress
y /i/; /j/ /j/: following a vowel
z /z/
gu /ɡ/; /ɡw/ /ɡ/: preceding front vowels; /ɡw/: preceding back vowels
/ɡw/ preceding front vowels
ig /tʃ/ word-finally
ll /ʎ/
ŀl /lː/
ny /ɲ/
qu /k/; /kw/ /k/: preceding front vowels; /kw/: preceding back vowels
/kw/ preceding front vowels
rr /r/ intervocalically
ss /s/ intervocalically
tg /dʒ/ preceding front vowels
tj /dʒ/
ts /ts/
tz /dz/
tx /tʃ/

Lenition Rules

Misc. Rules


Carbonell, Joan F., and Joaquim Llisterri. 1992. “Catalan.” Journal of the International Phonetic Association.

Hualde, Jose Ignacio. 1992. Catalan. Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Mascaró, Joan. 1972. “Catalan Phonology and the Phonological Cycle.” Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Wheeler, Max W. 2005. The Phonology of Catalan. Oxford University Press.