Last Updated: 2020-08-01


Language Family: Uralic / Finno-Ugric / Finno-Permic / Permic



  • The documentation seems to vary in terms of the place of articulation for consonants, especially concerning the retroflex, alveopalatal, and palatal consonants. Hausenberg (1998) only identifies postalveolar consonants (p. 309); however, this is a broad category that includes both the retroflex and alveopalatal places of articulation, so I have chosen to follow the more specific analyses done by Kochetov and Lobanova (2003) (p. 2721).
Place of Articulation
Manner of Articulation Labial Dental Retroflex Alveopalatal Palatal Velar
Stops p b t̪ d̪ c ɟ k ɡ
Affricates ʈʂ ɖʐ tɕ dʑ
Fricatives v s̪ z̪ ʂ ʐ ɕ ʑ
Nasals m ɲ
Approximants j ʎ
Note: For phonemes that share a cell, those on the left are voiceless, whereas those on the right are voiced. Both palatal approximants are voiced, but the one on the right is lateral.


Front Central Back
High i ɨ u
Mid e ɘ o
Low a


Grapheme Phoneme Comment
а /a/
б /b/
в /v/
г /ɡ/
д /d̪/; /ɟ/ /ɟ/: preceding ⟨e⟩, ⟨ё⟩, ⟨и⟩, ⟨ю⟩, ⟨я⟩, or ⟨ь⟩
e /e/; /je/ /e/: following a consonant (marks the preceding consonant as palatal)
ё /o/; /jo/ /o/: following a consonant (marks the preceding consonant as palatal)
ж /ʐ/
з /z̪/; /ʑ/ /ʑ/: preceding ⟨e⟩, ⟨ё⟩, ⟨и⟩, ⟨ю⟩, ⟨я⟩, or ⟨ь⟩
и /i/ following a consonant (marks the preceding consonant as palatal)
і /i/
й /j/
к /k/
л /l̪/; /ʎ/ /ʎ/: preceding ⟨e⟩, ⟨ё⟩, ⟨и⟩, ⟨ю⟩, ⟨я⟩, or ⟨ь⟩
м /m/
н /n̪/; /ɲ/ /ɲ/: preceding ⟨e⟩, ⟨ё⟩, ⟨и⟩, ⟨ю⟩, ⟨я⟩, or ⟨ь⟩
о /o/
ӧ /ɘ/
п /p/
р /r̪/
с /s̪/; /ɕ/ /ɕ/: preceding ⟨e⟩, ⟨ё⟩, ⟨и⟩, ⟨ю⟩, ⟨я⟩, or ⟨ь⟩
т /t̪/; /c/ /c/: preceding ⟨e⟩, ⟨ё⟩, ⟨и⟩, ⟨ю⟩, ⟨я⟩, or ⟨ь⟩
у /u/
ф /f/ appears in loanwords
х /x/ appears in loanwords
ц /ts/ appears in loanwords
ч /tɕ/
ш /ʂ/
щ /ʂ/ appears in loanwords
ъ hard sign: marks the preceding consonant as non-palatal
ы /ɨ/
ь soft sign: marks the preceding consonant as palatal
э /e/
ю /u/; /ju/ /u/: following a consonant (marks the preceding consonant as palatal)
я /a/; /ja/ /a/: following a consonant (marks the preceding consonant as palatal)
дж /ɖʐ/
дз /dʑ/
тш /ʈʂ/

Misc. Rules


Hausenberg, Anu-Reet. 1998. “The Uralic Languages.” In, edited by Daniel Abondolo, 305–26. Routledge.

Kochetov, Alexei, and Alevtina Lobanova. 2003. “Place and Manner Contrasts in Komi-Permyak Obstruents: An Acoustic Study.” In Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.

———. 2007. “Komi-Permyak Coronal Obstruents: Acoustic Contrasts and Positional Variation.” Journal of the International Phonetic Association 37 (01). Cambridge University Press (CUP): 51. doi:10.1017/s0025100306002805.

Punegova, Galina Vasil’evna. 2018. Komi Yazyk: Uchebnik Dlya Spo. Izdatel’stvo Yurait.

Riese, Timothy. 1998. “The Uralic Languages.” In, edited by Daniel Abondolo, 249–75. Routledge.

Tsyponov, E.A. 2015. Bidza Olan, Komi Kyv!: Uchebnik Komi Yazyka Dlya Vzroslykh. Izdatel’stvo Kola.