Last Updated: 2020-07-02


Language Family: Turkic / Common Turkic / Siberian Turkic / South Siberian / Sayan Turkic / Tuvan



Place of Articulation
Manner of Articulation Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar
Stops p b t d k ɡ
Fricatives s z ç ʝ x
Nasals m n ŋ
Trills r
Approximants ʋ l j
Note: For phonemes that share a cell, those on the left are voiceless and those on the right are voiced.


  • Vowel length is contrastive in Tuvan (Harrison 2000, 11). Long vowels are indicated by duplicate graphemes.
  • Low tone (vs. no tone) is contrastive syllable-initially (O’Brien 2010, 1–2); however, it’s rather marginal, such that very few words display this distinction (although the prevalence depends on the dialect). It is not marked in Crúbadán, so I have chosen to proceed with the language, not accounting for it in the rules.
  • Vowel harmony is present in Tuvan (Harrison 2000, 111).
Front Back
High i y ɯ u
Mid e ø o
Low ɑ
Note: For phonemes that share a cell, those on the left are unrounded and those on the right are rounded.


Grapheme Phoneme Comment
а /ɑ/
б /b/
в /ʋ/
г /ɡ/
д /d/
e /e/; /je/ /e/: word-medially and word-finally; /je/: word-initially in Russian loanwords
ё /jo/
ж /ʝ/
з /z/
и /i/
й /j/
к /k/
л /l/
м /m/
н /n/
ң /ŋ/
о /o/
ө /ø/
п /p/
р /r/
с /s/
т /t/
у /u/
ү /y/
ф /f/ appears in Russian loanwords
х /x/
ц /ts/ appears in Russian loanwords
ч /cç/
ш /ç/
щ /çcç/ appears in Russian loanwords
ъ indicates pitch accent
ы /ɯ/
ь represents where there was a reduced vowel
э /e/ word-initially
ю /ju/ appears in Russian loanwords
я /jɑ/ appears in Russian loanwords

Syllable Structure

Lenition Rules

Misc. Rules


Harrison, K. David. 2000. “Topics in the Phonology and Morphology of Tuvan.” Dissertation, Yale University.

O’Brien, Jeremy. 2010. “Tone in Tuvan.”